Stressed, anxious, frustrated, stumped? Have you considered training?
We all need skills training to take on new challenges and improve our chances of success. Life can be hard to cope with, and we all need is to handle difficult feelings. Emotional intelligence (EI) is what helps us to do that, and EI can be learned with the right guidance.
Helen Campbell is a psychologist who teaches a unique set of personal skills to all kinds of ordinary adults. Skills for work, or skills for health and wellbeing, they help you feel good and think well, especially when life is not playing fair!
Developed over 25 years, her emotional intelligence training is simple and easy to learn over private Zoom calls. Training and coaching with Helen can revolutionise how you think, feel and learn. It offers the modern skills required to succeed in the 21st century world.

Helen M Campbell, GMBPsS
What are Emotional Intelligence Skills?
Emotional intelligence is all about understanding how you react. Your physical and mental reactions affect your ability to think and act in sensible and effective ways. Once you can handle how things affect you, it makes it much easier to tackle them.
Helen’s skills training is based on a unique model of emotions that makes understanding them surprisingly simple and manageable. It offers a series of techniques and skills that make thinking and feeling easier than you ever imagined.
Training with Helen is not like therapy. You don’t talk about private issues, or reveal your thoughts. EI training is about learning how to do things that make a real difference. The skills are natural, easy to use, and work immediately. You don’t spend time reading, studying or writing. All training is live in person with Helen, who will tailor training to suit you. It all happens over a Zoom call, and you can book the sessions to suit your own timetable.
“Life is a learning journey, and developing excellent learning skills is essential for all adults. When you are able to learn fast and deal skilfully your emotions, you are able to manage most things. Emotional skills training gives you that control.“ Helen M Campbell
By learning personal skills that add to your existing learning and natural ability you become more confident and adaptable. New situations and challenges are easier to manage. You discover just how easy it can be to deal with difficult feelings and situations that might have held you back in the past. Feeling confident is a wonderful achievement.
Who is EI skills training for?
EI training is not for people who can’t cope with life, it is for people who want to be more successful and feel more skilfully. You could be someone struggling with nerves before a driving test, or studying for professional exams. You could be a manager who needs to improve your interpersonal skills for work. Or you could be the person the office bully is picking on at the moment.
Or maybe your personal circumstances have changed. You are starting a new relationship, and this time you want to get it right. You are ending a relationship, and need new skills to cope with the painful challenges that involves. Or perhaps your previously enchanting child has hit puberty. You find yourself living with a stranger in the house who looks familiar, but needs a whole new set of skills to deal with!
Just as possibly you are not really enjoying life at the moment, are not sure why, and would like to know how to get more satisfaction out of what you do. Some people just want to be the best version of themselves they can be. Others want to achieve excellent skills to reach their goals. There really are very few people who cannot gain from learning emotional intelligence skills.
Skills training with Helen is for any adult who wants to get the best out of life by trying a different approach. Clients must be over 18, able to manage normal daily life, and accept responsibility for themselves and their actions. If they are ready to learn something completely new, this kind of training really does make you see life in a very different way.
What is EI skills training used for?
Skills training in the 21st century is very different from in the past. Training is used for many purposes, and people come to Helen for different reasons. Some are coping with problems. Others just want to be better at what they do. There are options to suit every need. Here are just a few.
Coping with problems
“Life is hard. It can feel like a long, uphill battle with a few days off.”
Many of us face difficulties we don’t know how to cope with. Family issues, stress at work, bullying, divorce, unemployment; there are lots of things in life that require us to up our game. Learning new coping and thinking skills to handle these challenges can really help. You can choose between problem focused coaching or a more general three-session basic training in EI skills.
Basic skills training is less expensive than coaching and offers a great set of skills for dealing with life’s challenges. If you know that your mental or emotional health could be improved, then you are in the right place. All you need to do is choose between choosing skills for work (TPT), and training to improve and protect your emotional and mental health (EHT).
Emotional Health Training (EHT)
If you want to get the very best out of life you can choose to focus on deep self-care and emotional health. Basic Emotional Health Training gives you the tools you need to think for yourself, and find solutions to your own problems. EHT skills allow you to be well and happy, and cope better with challenges. There are skills for dealing with the challenges of right now, things that have bothered you from the past, and planning a happy and effective future. Training is fast and intensive, but if you are looking for the keys to master your own mind and body, here they are.
EHT reveals things about yourself you may never have understood before. And it gives you simple, practical techniques to make you more effective. You don’t have to adopt a new way of life, or change your diet. EHT does not clash with any faith, or require you to sign up for life. It is a three hour course (three one-hour sessions) and you are done. Unless you want to go further of course. Basic training is just the beginning of the journey for some. You can book as many sessions as you like. It is quite up to you.
Unlike therapy, training is a preventative, not a cure. Clients need to be coping to be eligible to apply for coaching or training. But clients who have been in therapy for years report that the practical skills of training help them break free from the cycle of therapy that helps them survive, but never quite helps them to thrive. If in doubt, you can always contact Helen to check your suitability for training.
Technical Performance Training
Maybe rocket-powering your learning and developing excellent skills for work is more your thing? You can choose to focus on Technical Performance training (TPT) for skills to accelerate your learning.
You will gain a totally new understanding of how emotion works and how it impacts on your ability to think and cope. And EI skills are easy and quick to learn. You will soon understand that how people are thinking and feeling is a major influence on what they do. You can learn work-based skills in a Basic TPT course, or in coaching for your specific occupation.
The point of training is that it gives you practical and effective things to do that make a difference in your daily life. It is a how-to guide to coping with life, and is more like a driving lesson than anything else. And you will be able to discuss the situations you need these skills for in confidence. Nobody at work need know that you learned your extraordinary EI skills from a psychologist.
The benefits of learning emotional skills with Helen:
Training with Helen has been developed and tested in an annual round of evaluation and research. Since all training and coaching is confidential, there are few testimonials. But here are some from clients on LinkedIn. Research participants in the annual program give the feedback that allows Helen to keep her training right on point. These are the things research participants generally report after training.
Some people arrive at their first training session with some nervousness. This is understandable, they have no idea what is going to happen! But they usually feedback their surprise, at how easy it was to change their feelings, and how much they enjoyed it. In post-training interviews they express their pleasure at the new understanding they have, and how little they understood before about something that has such an impact on their lives.
Confidence is the greatest benefit that comes from training. Being confident means that you have faith in your ability to cope with life. It enables you to go out into the world and take part in society without fear. You can’t buy it or steal it, but with the right skills, you will enjoy your newfound confidence before you recognise what is making the difference.
Understanding emotions and how they affect people
Knowing that it is going to rain, and why (cold air fronts flowing into moist air for example) is not the same as walking in a downpour with heavy baggage. One is theory, the other is experience. That is why you cannot learn emotional skills from reading a book. You have to experience them, with guidance, to be able to do it. This is why reasons with Helen are more like a driving lesson than anything else. It involves experiential learning.
But understanding emotions theoretically is important too. Helen has developed a simple, stripped back model of emotions that makes understanding what is happening to people very easy. It gives you different strategies to work with, both in controlling your own emotional drives, and in helping other people with theirs. You will be surprised at how easy that is. Everybody always is surprised.
The ability to self-regulate
Achieving self-regulation is the most important skill of emotional intelligence. It underpins every other capacity that emotionally intelligent people have, and changes the game for dealing both with yourself, and with other people around you. And it is easy. The most surprising thing of all!
“I would say it is life changing actually. Something so simple in theory; it does change the way you act in a situation. It can completely change the way the situation is going to go as well. … So it’s really important and yes – life changing.” Research participant 2020.
Deep calm and the ability to enjoy life
Many people never really enjoy life, because they don’t know how to. Yet happiness is freely available if you learn how to make it. One of the most rewarding things for Helen is seeing her clients thriving. Learning how to gain control of their inner world (where emotions happen) and free themselves from the negative emotions that held them in painful suspense, is key.
“My husband is thrilled. He can’t understand why I am suddenly so relaxed and happy!” Research participant 2020.
Accelerated learning
Emotional skills training is based on firm psychological and educational theory. It teaches learners how to use their natural learning skills, and supercharge them, by processing information better, and by achieving confidence and motivation.
Emotional intelligence is not born-in, you learn it from people who have and know how to teach you. Whether you are starting out in adult life, or well on the path, new skills for learning and adaptation is what emotional intelligence is all about. And you can learn too.
“I took the Emotional Intelligence training course with Helen and it has definitely paid off at work and in my personal life. It has taught me how to approach and manage a variety of emotions through simple techniques that anybody is capable of practicing anywhere. Helen is a great teacher, I thoroughly recommend taking one of her courses.” JCM.
Better relationships
Relationships are certainly changing, and maybe some new skills for dealing with them in the 21st century is going to be useful for you?
One of the biggest drawbacks to failing to develop good emotional skills is that life without them is socially awkward and lonely. Whether you are starting out on a new relationship, want to improve the ones you have, or need to understand why you are not able to form good relations, skills training can only help.
“I understand her much better now – why she does things. It makes sense when you know what is happening with her. It’s been really helpful that way, and it works.” DB. 2022.
New skills for the 21st century
The people who do well in life, not just financially or socially, but in feeling successful, are those who can understand and manage their emotions and thinking. That is what emotional intelligence is all about. The skills required for modern work are more than just technical and knowledge based. (Click here for an outline of the new skills needed to work in the new economy. )To be successful you need to be resilient, flexible and able to learn and adapt fast. Developing the soft skills required to work with people, and cope with the challenges of constant change, means developing your emotional intelligence.
“We should think of emotion as the engine house of our life. It is the energy that moves us – literally E-motion – energy in motion.“
Good EI is key to success, to promotion and progression. The great thing about emotional intelligence is that we can all learn. It is not just the luck of the DNA draw, because anyone can develop these skills with just a little expert help and some practice. You can spend a lifetime learning to be wise, or take a short course. The choice is yours.
Take a first step
If you want to climb out of a rut, step up on the ladder, or improve your mental and emotional wellbeing, your first move is to update your skills.
If you are ready to explore personal coaching or training, you can contact us now to book a discovery call. Or look at the course directory for a range of different services to meet your personal needs. If you know that you could benefit from improving your ability to cope, problem-solve and enjoy life, sign up for a course of basic training, and get ready to rocket fuel your skills!
Or explore the Learning Zone and the Library for free resources to educate and inform you in your own learning quest.
The price of a basic training course in, either emotional health or skills for work, is currently £300. That entitles clients to three hours of live coaching with Helen Campbell.
Public servants who are funding their own training can take advantage of a Preferred Professions (PP) tariff that gives a 20% reduction. Contact the office if you are a teacher, nurse, social worker, police officer, or a current or retired member of the armed services. If in doubt, please ask.
Advanced coaching is available subject to agreement, but only when basic training has been completed.

“Book a chat with me to find out more. You have nothing to lose but your preconceptions, and nothing beats having the confidence you need to face the world! “
If you can’t decide which is the better path for you, contact Helen by email, or book a discovery call, and she will help you choose.
Book a chat with Helen Campbell
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To learn about Emotional Training, Coaching and emotional intelligence look in the Library. There are free learning materials, articles, information sheets and Blog pages there. You will find the words of clients and research participants there too, information on how to enrol for training and updates on coming events on the notice board.
To access more learning materials, enter The Learning Zone. You will find more free, paid and bespoke materials, courses and live services there.
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