Home of Emotional Skills Training with Helen Campbell

Welcome to Campbell Education – home of emotional skills training

Helen M Campbell MBPsS preparing for an Emotional Skills Training session.

Helen M Campbell, MBPsS

“Life is a learning journey, and developing excellent learning skills is essential for all adults. When you are able to learn fast, manage yourself and deal skilfully your emotions, you are able to manage most things. Emotional skills training gives you that control.“   Helen M Campbell

Training and Coaching with Helen Campbell

“Life is hard. It can feel like a long, uphill battle with a few days off.”

Training with Helen is not like therapy. You don’t talk about private issues, or reveal your thoughts. EI training is about learning how to do things that make a real difference, and the aim is getting life right.

The first hour will give you a set of skills for coping with challenges. The skills are natural, easy to use, and work immediately. You don’t spend time reading, studying or writing. All training is live in person with Helen, who will tailor training to suit you. It all happens over a Zoom call, and you can book the sessions to suit your own timetable.

By learning personal skills that enhance your natural learning ability you become more confident and adaptable. New situations and challenges are easier to manage. You discover just how easy it can be to deal with difficult feelings and situations that might have held you back in the past. Feeling confident is a wonderful achievement.

Not everyone learns well from books and written courses. Here there is not a video lecture in sight, no reading or note taking, no quizzes or exams.  All you have to do is show up, be ready to listen, and a have a learning experience. Sessions have more in common with a driving lesson than a stuffy death-by-slideshow! It’s easy, enjoyable, and is all about making you feel great!

Investing in yourself

If you know that your mental or emotional health could be improved, then you are in the right place.  All you need to do is choose between choosing skills for work (TPT), and training to improve and protect your emotional and mental health (EHT).

Investing in developing yourself is money well spent, and you won’t find training like this elsewhere.  Helen’s work is based on over twenty years of research and practice, and nobody else is licenced to teach or promote her methods. She is a skilled and experienced psychologist and teacher, and her aim is to help you enjoy life more, and to suffer less.

You decide whether being deeply well and happy, or developing the emotional intelligence skills that will help you perform at work, are most important to you.  Both kinds of training will teach you to understand yourself better, to have self-control and feel comfortable, and deal with the challenges of living and working with other people.

“I would say it is life changing actually. Something so simple in theory; it does change the way you act in a situation. It can completely change the way the situation is going to go as well. … So it’s really important and yes – life changing.” Research participant 2020.

New skills for the 21st century

The people who do well in life, not just financially or socially, but in feeling successful, are those who can understand and manage the pace of change.  They are fast, effective and emotionally literate learners.  They have emotional and social intelligence that allows them to survive and thrive .

Emotional intelligence involves a range of abilities, but the most important are self-awareness and self-control.  Helen Campbell focuses on developing these personal skills to unlock the potential of adults. She introduces new ways of understanding the world.

This learning doesn’t come from reading books. With Campbell Education EI is learned in live coaching by learning from experience. It’s for people who want to achieve success.

Is that you?

Skills for good health (Emotional Health Training)

Training with Helen involves getting to know, and to be at peace, with your own body.

How do you deal with it when you are feeling nervous, stressed, or afraid? Learning to understand and fix those feelings, easily and quickly, are key to success in achieving health and wellbeing. Find more information on the Campbell Education model of emotional health here.

Emotional Health Training (EHT) delivers skills to help manage thoughts and feelings, to live peacefully, and with a sense of self control.  A three-hour Basic EHT course will give you a set of essential skills for a happy, healthy, and effective life.  You can find out more detail about EHT Basic training here. You will wonder why you have never heard of it before.

Skills for work

The 21st century is more connected, more technical, and more responsive, than ever.

Skills required for work now are more than just technical and knowledge based. Click here for an outline of the new skills needed to work in the new economy. To be successful you need to be resilient, flexible and able to learn and adapt fast. Developing the soft skills required to work with people, and cope with the challenges of constant change, means developing your emotional intelligence.

Good EI is key to success, to promotion and progression. The great thing about emotional intelligence is that we can all learn.  It is not just the luck of the DNA draw, because anyone can develop these skills with just a little expert help and some practice.

Research is stacking up, but it’s easier to find the research than to find suppliers to teach you how to do these things. Basic training for work with Helen (TPT) will help you develop these personal skills. You can apply them to your working life, as well as becoming happier in your private life outside work.

“I took the Emotional Intelligence training course with Helen and it has definitely paid off at work and in my personal life. It has taught me how to approach and manage a variety of emotions through simple techniques that anybody is capable of practicing anywhere. Helen is a great teacher, I thoroughly recommend taking one of her courses.” JCM.

Take a first step

If you want to climb out of a rut, step up on the ladder, or improve your mental and emotional wellbeing, your first step is to update your skills.

If you are ready to explore personal coaching or training, you can contact us now to book a discovery call. Or look at the course directory for a range of different services to meet your personal needs. If you know that you could benefit from improving your ability to cope, problem-solve and enjoy life, sign up for a course of basic training, and get ready to rocket fuel your skills!

Or explore the Learning Zone and the Library for free resources to educate and inform you in your own learning quest.

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Find out more about Basic Training

Basic training takes place over three Zoom calls. Courses are payable at the time of booking, and you can select between skills for good health and skills for work.  Both courses effectively enhance emotional intelligence. Booking is easy, and payments are made securely through Calendly using Stripe. Campbell Education does not have access to your payment details and does not share data with other organisations.

You must be over 18, and capable of coping with normal daily life.  Training and coaching are not therapy. If you are struggling to cope at the moment, then it is better to get the help you need first.  You can always come back for training when you are feeling better.

The three sessions will focus on coping in the moment, tackling events from the past, and planning a future that you want to live in. These are achieved using simple techniques and logical decision making. You will be shown a new way of understanding what emotion is and taught to manage your emotional reactions in new and surprising ways.  Clients typically feel much lighter, more relaxed, and happier by the end of the very first session. Helen doesn’t need to know anything you would prefer to keep private.

We should think of emotion as the engine house of our life. It is the energy that moves us – literally E-motion – energy in motion.

Advanced coaching is available subject to agreement, but only when basic training has been completed.


The price of a basic training course in, either emotional health or skills for work, is currently £300. That entitles clients to three hours of live coaching with Helen Campbell.

Public servants who are funding their own training can take advantage of a Preferred Professions (PP) tariff that gives a 20% reduction. Contact the office if you are a teacher, nurse, social worker, police officer, or a current or retired member of the armed services. If in doubt, please ask.

Other services

  • Couples coaching
  • Coping with Bullying
  • Tandem Training (two person training)
  • Short term problem focused coaching
  • Corporate training
Helen Campbell on an emotional skills training call.

“Book a chat with me to find out more.  You have nothing to lose but your preconceptions, and nothing beats having the confidence you need to face the world! “

If you can’t decide which is the better path for you, contact Helen by email, or book a discovery call, and she will help you choose.

Book a chat with Helen Campbell

Search the Library

To learn about Emotional Training, Coaching and emotional intelligence look in the Library. There are free learning materials, articles, information sheets and Blog pages there.  You will find the words of clients and research participants there too, information on how to enrol for training and updates on coming events on the notice board. 

To access more learning materials, enter The Learning Zone. You will find more free, paid and bespoke materials, courses and live services there.

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©  Campbell Education, training and coaching products and all contents are the intellectual property of Helen Campbell. All rights reserved.