Book here

If you know the service you are looking for, scroll down the list and click on the option to be directed to booking. A link to the full tariff is available below. You can access and explore the scheduler manually at the end of the page.

Just finding out about emotional skills training?

Read the materials in the Library

Book a Discovery Call

Come to Afternoon Tea (Wednesdays 4pm UK time)

Book a free open house Q&A session (Wednesday 7pm UK time)

Enrolling for Emotional Skills Training?

To enrol complete the two documents found here

Enrolled and ready to book?

Emotional Skills Training Webinar (30 minutes)

Technical Performance Training (TPT)

Driver Training (1 hour of TPT)

Basic Technical Performance Training (3 hours)

Emotional Health Training (EHT)

The ABC of Emotions (1 hour of EHT)

Basic Emotional Health Training (3 hours)

Prepaid Session book here

Opting for EI Coaching

Coaching is more personal and intimate than training, and clients must have been accepted for coaching by Helen Campbell. When this happens a link is usually sent from the office to book sessions. If you have been approved for coaching you can book developmental coaching or couples coaching using the links below. If you need any help just contact the office.

EI Coaching (1 hour)

Developmental EI coaching package(3 hours)

Couples Coaching (4 hours)

Surviving Bullying Coaching Course

Go to tariff, services and booking links

Manual access to the scheduler

©  Campbell Education, training and coaching products and all contents are the intellectual property of Helen Campbell. All rights reserved.