Couples Coaching – Working together

Couples Coaching with Helen Campbell
Loving one another is easier if you speak the same language and understand how you feel.

Couples Coaching is all about working together.

Developing emotional intelligence and good emotional health

People come together bringing emotional skills and styles from different families.  What seems obvious to one family can be alien or embarrassing to the other.  Discussing things calmly and  sensibly can be difficult when deep seated emotional reactions are involved. A little coaching can really help achieving understanding and togetherness.

Coaching with couples is a combination of emotional health and technical performance coaching. It is tailored to meet the needs of both clients in working together to understand emotional events and take control of energy responses. Clients can create the calm, happy and supportive emotions that make family life joyful. In four online hours Couples Coaching provides a new forum in the relationship to explore communication and growth, and that leads to good emotional health.

Couples Coaching to create happy families

The benefits of sharing this experience, and creating happiness together, will be obvious when you start using the processes in your daily lives.  Not only will you both have a whole new language and a range of skills to deal with events. You will also have a personal study buddy to help keep you on track and develop your learning.  If you go on to start a family, your children will be some of the luckiest children in the world. They will be blessed to have parents who are emotionally skilled and mature.

Willing to work: a signal of real commitment

To undertake couples coaching both partners need to book two sessions. Both partners will start with an individual session, where the coach will teach the basic technique of emotional control to each independently. The following two sessions will be in tandem, each witnessing and sharing in the journey of the other. One deals with past events and one with future planning. Couples can book further training or coaching sessions individually or as a couple.  Any individual sessions are confidential.


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