EI Skill Training Webinars

How can I start improving my Emotional Skills?

Developing a range of self management skills and practicing on a regular basis is the best way to improve your performance in daily life and develop emotional health and wellbeing. If you would like to explore the idea of skills training, experience it and decide whether it is for you, you can enrol with Campbell Education and book a place on a Emotional Skills Webinar. You will be introduced to two of the key concepts of skills training with Campbell Education and taught a simple technique to help manage a feeling state. EI skills work by enabling your thinking brain to develop better management of your feeling brain. You will be surprised how easy it can be.

How do I enrol for an emotional training webinar?

Simply download the application form and the terms and conditions documents, fill them in and return to the email address as instructed. Once your application has been processed and approved you will be sent an enrolment number that will permit you to book your webinar on the bookings page. They are run at least once a month to enable people to access a place and start their emotional training journey.

Application-form-for-Campbell Education Jan 2021

Campbell Education Terms and Conditions July 2020

Why do I have to enrol first?

Just as you are asked to confirm that you are in good health when you enrol at the gym, we need to ensure that you are well enough to take part in psychological training. You need to be able to cope in general with life to undertake training, and Helen Campbell has a duty of care to ensure that everyone who comes onto a course is able to cope with the challenge.

We do not share information with third parties or undertake aggressive marketing; you can opt in to the email list of you choose to but it is not assumed. The selection process makes sure that people who are in need of more supportive help do not experience challenges they are not able to cope with. If you have any concerns about this, why not book a Zoom audio call on the booking page and you can have a chat with Helen about it first. She will be happy to help.