Testimonials and feedback

Clients frequently send feedback to the office, and research is conducted on an ongoing basis to develop and improve training. The following comments and testimonials have all been approved before posting. Due to the confidential nature of coaching we only use initials or first names, and comments from research participants may be anonymous.

“Campbell Education provided me with the basics of emotional intelligence and useful techniques that I will be implementing on a daily basis. The course was delivered in an informal and relaxed way that helped me to feel at ease discussing difficult topics. I highly recommend this for anyone either wanting to develop themselves or others.” JCM Pembrokeshire

“Helen’s training offered a simple but effective framework for recognising, understanding and managing your emotions. Effectively delivered through video conferencing, Helen offers a framework for visualising emotional states and how to control and transition them to more positive and relaxed feelings. Very useful!” KM

“Dear Helen thank you so much for our sessions they have helped tremendously. Got me to focus on a technique which is easily grasped and is very effective. I don’t feel so hopeless now and have gained control of myself a little. When you realise that you yourself can determine how most things go it helps a lot to deal with everyday life. Things are not so fraught and emotional. Can’t recommend your training enough. Look forward to refreshers to keep me on track . Thank you so much. Grace”

“I was lucky enough to be part of Helen’s research project and she opened my eyes on how I can free my mind and I can actually say I am far more productive since our session. I have used the techniques and even learned how to develop them myself and am now in a much better place. Thank you Helen” FN

“I am so pleased. It feels like I have control over how to react, it’s not just my brain telling me how to act – I get to choose!”

“I would say it is life changing actually. Something so simple in theory; it does change the way you act in a situation. It can completely change the way the situation is going to go as well. If you didn’t use what you did in the training what happed may have been worse, or different, if you didn’t calm yourself down first. So it’s really important and yes … life changing.” SG. Lancashire

“Friendly, safe; a novel, innovative take on an old classic.” FN. Cheltenham.

“If I had to describe what coaching with Helen is like I would say she shows you really simple things that you can’t believe you didn’t know already. Once you know them things become stupidly easy really. I would say that parents especially need to know these things.” TY Delaware.

“Gosh, it’s like a lightbulb moment! “There’s something in your brain” .. “maybe you have control over your emotions and they don’t define you” .. all of this sort of stuff. But nobody’s ever told you, nobody’s ever given you permission, to view it that way. It’s not the narrative we get from the media, it’s not the narrative we get from our peers. So to sit down in an hour long session and just hear, “Well – why do you think that?” (laughs). And I think it’s having a permission and a language, it’s like a lightbulb moment, it flicks something and you’re-oh yeah – that makes complete sense – why have I never viewed it like that before? It’s like flicking a switch – it really is.”

“I would probably say, if you think you have a grip on your own emotions and your own thoughts, this might change your mind!”

“It’s game-changing – it is really – in the sense that you put yourself in a better position. Not so much to win an argument because there’s never really a winner in an argument. I feel you gain the tool to put your side of any dispute, or argument, or disagreement, into better, more calm content.”

“I had no idea you could learn to control your thinking like this. I just wish I had known sooner. Life would have been a lot easier.”