Emotionally Intelligent organisational culture with Campbell Education

We are never unconnected. The human world is a network of connections and relationships which involve emotional energy exchanges. In a healthy culture these form a fluid economy, individuals enriching and uplifting one another or requiring investment or support in turn. in the emotional economy there need be no poor; the richer everyone becomes the better.

Wealth in emotional terms does not come from money or material possessions, but from being skilled in these emotional transactions. You can be emotionally wealthy however tight the financial economy becomes. In fact the tighter money is, the more EI skills you have the better! People with high EI can face many disasters with a measure of calm, while unskilled individuals can feel lost in a storm when they are asleep in bed.

The TPT model takes a technical approach to being a person. Using an engineering model, skills you already have and language you are very familiar with from the physical world makes TPT very fast. Driver training teaches immediate emotional control. Engine Tuning works on achieving familiarity with your emotional engine at a deep level, and Data Management is all about thinking and remembering well. If you are not a driver, or familiar with using computers, don’t worry, other technical languages are available! Driver training alone can be a huge advantage in managing social exchanges, and being the one who cares for and manages your own engine will give you feelings of control and confidence you may never have enjoyed in the past.

“I would say it’s game-changing – it is really. You put yourself in a better position, not so much to win an argument because there’s never really a winner in an argument, you gain the tool to put your side of any dispute. When you are very angry you can say anything; you’ll just spit words out when you don’t really mean them, you might be insulting, you might say something that isn’t the truth or exaggerate something. Whereas if you are calm you can think about things a bit more; you’re taking control of what you are doing because you are calm and you’re collected.” IG Manchester

Corporate and Organisational TP Training

Poor EI skills are a source of serious problems in businesses and organisations that rely on human relationships. People with poorly developed emotional skills are

  • insensitive to what is going on around them
  • emotionally reactive
  • easily stressed
  • can shut down or go into defensive or aggressive modes when challenged
  • have poor personnel management skills
  • have little understanding of the impact of their behaviour or decisions on others
  • are rigid, inflexible and slow to learn from experience
  • will be the bullies or the bullied,

Bullying will take place wherever people have poor emotional skills. When more skilful people in powerful positions maintain control of the environment this can be helpful, but often bullying will be driven underground and happen anyway. Poor EI skills in managers will drive away talent from your company or organisation, and because insecure managers never permit free or honest communications in their area of influence, you may never know why the best employees you had left the company, and potentially took your customers and reputation with them.

Emotionally intelligent people are;

  • competent, resilient, fast learners and good communicators
  • enjoy better health and wellbeing in every way that matters
  • they understand themselves and other people and can work with them in ways that are accepting, creative and sustainable
  • recognise interpersonal problems before they happen
  • take sensible and supportive actions to avoid crises, deal with practical issues and support their team while they get through the problem
  • understand people at a deep level and know how they will be impacted by events and systems
  • Customers will ask for them by name, trust them to help, and will develop loyalty to them that can supersede their relationship with the organisation; if they leave, their clients will go with them.

Choosing to change the workplace

“Wellbeing should be treated as a business critical skill that can be improved through training and development programs.” World Economic Forum.

The payoffs of developing an emotionally intelligent culture and environment are obvious. What is less clear is how to do this. One of the great advantages of emotional skills training is that, by its very nature, it makes people feel better. If all change initiatives had this advantage they would be a good deal more successful! Essentially emotional intelligence is a set of basic skills and competencies that every adult needs to be effective. Equipping staff with a shared set of skills, a mutual language to allow communication and understanding of emotional events, and ensuring that your managers are well developed enough to cause no harm (and hopefully to bring development to their teams) is a good start. Training and coaching can help develop staff for management skills. Many independent clients who seek training come on their own account, and appreciate a confidential and non-competitive forum to learn and develop the soft skills that they need. Because training uses mechanisms that are natural, very simple to learn and fast working, just a few hours working together with their team could transform the emotional lives, work behaviour and wellbeing of staff for ever.

Who is Helen Campbell, and what does she do?

Emotional Intelligence training is still very new. At the moment much EI coaching is conducted by therapists who have moved across into EI. Other coaches have come from the educational world or from the health professions and each bring their insights and techniques with them. Psychology has a particular part to play in explaining the mechanisms and integrating different traditions and approaches. The field is wide open at the moment for the development of training systems and the further exploration of effectiveness and the benefits in psychological research. I have been studying, researching and training in EI skills for twenty years, and have been teaching psychology and general education for thirty. My model of training involves tackling both energy and thinking skills, and a constant research and evaluation process continues to inform and improve my training systems. It’s an interesting time to be working at the cutting edge of psychology, and the future of workplaces will hopefully be a happier and more intelligent for us all.

Helen Campbell MBPsS

  • MSc The Applied Psychology in Health and Work
  • MdEd (Open) Lifelong Learning