Local Training Services for Northampton

Personal skills training for life!

Feeling stressed and don’t know what to do? Don’t panic, just get some new skills in live online training or coaching!

As adults we know that school was the easy part of learning. We had teachers, and a clear plan to follow. In adult life we are often on our own and feeling our way in the dark. It can be quite lonely being an adult.

My role is to help adults to continue to learn new skills and find their next steps. I am like that teacher. The one you went to knowing you could get help and support, without criticism and without everyone knowing about it. I am just here to help you.

I teach adults who are stuck and need some help. Some have a problem and need someone to talk it through with. They may be struggling with being bullied at work, going through a family problem, tackling nerves around exams or even their driving test. My job is to provide a different understanding of the situation, and show them some new skills to tackle it. Three hours is normally enough to tackle even quite difficult problems. This service is called short term problem focused coaching. You need to speak to me about the situation first. If it is right for you I will send you a suitable booking link.

Training for success

Others want to learn how to do things that make them stronger and more competent. They might choose to achieve health and wellbeing, or to improve their performance for work. They can learn a whole set of new skills for life in just three hours, and skills that affect all areas of their lives, not just their target areas.

Training courses are fast, intensive, and quite a lot cheaper than coaching. There is no need to talk about anything private, by the way. Training is just about what you are doing and what you are learning to do. Your personal issues are your own business.

From learning how your nervous system works (and managing it in amazing ways) – to coping with other people’s behaviour (and managing them)! New challenges need new skills. My role is to help you master them. The good news? It is done over Zoom, it is private, and nobody needs to know you are getting training. All they see is you succeeding!

Local catchment area

I am offering a reduced tariff for people who live within 5 miles of NN1. That means you if you live in any of the following places.

Northampton, Boughton, Pitsford, Moulton, Ecton, Cogenhoe, Lower End, Great Houghton, Hardingstone, Preston Deanery, Quinton, Collingtree, Rothersthorpe, Kislingbury, Upton, Harpole, Harleston and Chapel Brampton.

Residents within this area can take advantage of dramatic reductions in the price of basic courses and coaching. Why? because we are neighbours, and because I can offer help.

If you live outside the area, but within Northants, you can still book services at standard prices. In future I hope to run local live events which will be open to anyone. You may like to take advantage of those.

What is on offer?

The local services offer includes Basic Training – three hours of live coaching with me on Zoom. You can choose either Emotional Health and Wellbeing (EHT), or in Technical Performance (EI) Training (TPT).  See these pages for details, but book here for local rates.

Basic Training usually costs £300, but residents within the catchment area can access either EHT or TPT for £180. You pay when book your first session. The system will send a link to book two more pre-paid sessions at a time to suit yourself.


There is also a lower rate for clients in coaching. Training is about learning skills, and you don’t talk about anything personal. Coaching is where your needs come first, and you can share personal experiences in confidence.

This is not therapy, it is for learning new skills. All coaching is by approval. You will need to book a discovery call with me to see if it is right for you.

Just knowing that there is someone to talk to can help. Having someone who is a skilled helper can make a big difference. Tandem coaching is available for couples, and to develop skills for parenting. I don’t teach the children, I teach or coach the adults in new and surprising skills that can transform how they manage the situation.

Coaching is usually done in short, focused, three-hour packages that tackle specific problems.  Common issues for short term coaching are coping with bullying, career refocusing, coping with relationship breakups or divorce. Or you may like help to develop basic or advanced parenting skills, or prepare for a sporting challenge. Emotional Intelligence helps in all these things. Having a skilled helper to talk to with no personal agenda, other than supporting you, can be a real blessing. Tackling problems with teenagers is a pretty common one, and may be done in longer term coaching by agreement. 

Single coaching hours that address one issue include SOS Training (Survival of Stress) (£60) Rage Tamer Training (£70) and a special service for people who are unemployed and seeking help coping with unemployment (£30).

Longer term development coaching is an option for those who want (and can afford) to learn in a personal process. This is a chance to unpack issues, learning to see them in new ways, developing new skills for new challenges. Coaching is subject to approval, and booking links are issued by arrangement.

Please note! Training and coaching are not therapy, and are not intended to replace it. Basic Skills Training and coaching provide you with a toolkit of key skills. Using them will make you healthy and effective in adult life. You should not choose it if you are struggling to cope. Better to find therapeutic care first. You can come for skills training when you are ready to learn new things. Please ask for recommendations for reliable and trustworthy online therapy providers. Campbell Education does not provide services for the National Health Service.

The Engine House

Engine House logoIf you want to get the best out of yourself – opt for a more in depth and ongoing learning process. The Engine House route is slower, but focuses on achieving deep wellbeing as well as developing excellent EI skills.

The Engine House is a free membership group for people who have completed a simple level of personal skills training. It allows you to continue to learn by accessing group workshops. Workshops involve both practice of skills to make you strong and smart, and a new skill, knowledge or technique each time.

Group workshops are much cheaper, and you only pay for the workshops as you book them. There are basic or advanced level workshops. You must complete all basic level workshops to graduate to advanced level bookings.

Book here:  Neighbours can access the Foundation course here for a lower rate (standard £95, local £60, local tandem £50). All workshops are chargeable at the standard rate (currently £30, but this will be rising in the summer.)

Join the Engine House by completing a Foundation Course to learn the specific skills you need. Then take the slow (and more budget friendly) path, by working your way through a series of workshops. You can book from the schedule when you are ready. 

The first of these sessions is a Monday decompression session that runs every week. This session is about caring for yourself, and you can book it as often as you choose. Further sessions add to your skills, and also help you to achieve emotional and mental wellbeing through guided practice.

What is the difference?

Basic Training is intensive and fast. You learn one-to-one in a live session – no videos here! You can learn two-to-one if you want to learn with a partner in Tandem Training.

Clients learn a whole toolkit of skills in just three hours. You should leave a minimum of 48 hours in between to practice the skills before the next session. It is a one-off training in either health or performance.  Completing Basic qualifies you as a member of the Engine House, and to book workshops. As a graduate of Basic you will be able to book advanced as well as basic workshops.

The Foundation Course is a stripped-back Introduction. It focuses on a few key skills that enable you to cope with group sessions. You will be able to go on to book Engine House workshops at the basic level.  Workshops deliver a combination of both health and performance skills. The aim is to offer a deeper and more extensive learning experience, and opportunities to practice techniques live.

Please note! All training and coaching is strictly confidential, no recording is permitted in any session without written consent from all parties. This includes video, audio or transcription recording. All rights to record, distribute or use content in any way are reserved. This includes posting session content and participant details on social media. Training is not a qualification to teach these skills. There is currently no other trainer of these methods but me.

Why provide a local service?

Helen M Campbell MBPsS

I am a boroughs girl, born in Sheep Street, and have lived, worked and taught in the town for most of my life. Younger people might remember me as Mrs Toffee from school. But the elder generation may just as easily remember me selling apples on the market as a young woman. We all remember the old market fondly, and I started my working journey there. I am probably the only market trader who taught in a university in the week and worked on a stall at the weekend!

My teaching included working in schools, colleges, and universities (including the University of Northampton), and in private practice as a teaching and coaching psychologist. I now teach adults online all around the world.

I believe in community. I also know that the skills and techniques I teach are extremely helpful. Most people suffering stress and anxiety are not sick, they are just working at the limits of their experience. They need some help to learn how to tackle their challenges.

Skilful thinking and self-understanding can make coping with life, and finding success, much easier. Having the understanding and skills you need – when you need them – can protect your emotional and mental health and wellbeing. And prevention of problems is much better than cure. Why wait to take steps to improve your health, wellbeing, and psychological skills?

I don’t offer therapy, Please don’t ask if you are unable to cope with daily life. I just teach useful skills. These can be game changing for people unable to find support in other ways in Northampton right now. However, they are not suitable for people who need therapy.

Do you need more information?

Are you interested in exploring skills training with a local supplier? You won’t find these techniques elsewhere, as I have no teachers working under me at the moment. But if you are – why not give it a try? You can book directly with any of the links on this page if you are in the catchment area.

You can email the office with a query. Or book a discovery call to discuss which kind of training or coaching will be suitable for you.  There is lots of information available for free on this website too. Check out the Learning Zone and the Library.

Be aware that only the links on this page can be used to book local rates!

You can also find me on LinkedIn. If you connect with me there you can direct message, which is often the fastest way to contact me! Make sure I know that you are a neighbour and can use the local tariff.

©  Campbell Education, training and coaching products and all contents are the intellectual property of Helen Campbell. All rights reserved.