Service selection in a nutshell

EI Skills Training in a nutshell.  An image of an open walnut in its shell that looks very much like an exposed human brain.

All you need to know about choosing services

In a hurry? Here are the key facts and the selection of services you can choose from.  

  • Emotional Intelligence training with Campbell Education is a quick, easy, modern way to learn key personal skills in thinking and control of your nervous system.
  • Emotional skills training puts you in control of yourself, helps you deal with others, and gives you new choices in life.
  • You can choose what you want from a wide selection to suit your needs.
  • Using EI skills takes away stress – and relieves mental and emotional suffering – fast.
  • Emotional skills are the essential foundations of being a flexible, confident and successful adult learner.
  • Learning effectively from experience is the key feature of successful people.

“Tomorrow’s illiterate will not be the man who can’t read; he will be the man who has not learned how to learn.”         Herbert Gerjuoy.  

What do you need?


  To be better for my work or in life.” To feel better.” Both of those.”
How Technical Performance Training (TPT) Emotional Health Training (EHT) Engine House Training



Driver Training

1 hour



1 hour



1 hour

Now and better

Basic TPT

3 hours (includes Driving Lesson)

Basic EHT

        3 hours (Includes the ABC)

Basic Group Workshops  Nos. 1 – 5

5.5 hours

(After completing ABC, or Driver Training  or Foundation)



Advanced Group Workshops Nos. 6 – 10

5 hours


Technical Performance Training (TPT)

Thinking and feeling skills training specifically designed for work, but also useful for play and for life in general. Putting you in control and giving you a toolbox for creating a calm and confident future. Good for people with a technical turn of mind.

Emotional Health Training (EHT)

Deeper, more intensive; training to create emotional health and wellbeing. Reconnects your personal energy and teaches enhanced learning skills, self-management and self-care. Helps you let go of the past and make a future you want to live in, with the people you want to share it with.

Engine House Training

Engine House Training is a longer term and more intensive training format. It delivers a combination of EHT and TPT and includes practical self care in each session to help develop skills and wellbeing. Clients start with an introductory session, then they can purchase group workshops when they are ready. Sessions must be taken in order.

It’s private!

Emotional Training is private (you don’t talk about your life) it is something you learn by doing, with the guidance of a coach, not a training you read about or watch. The objective? Making you feel great, and showing you how to stay that way. Confidentiality is essential, especially in group training, and no recording is allowed.

Does Emotional Skills Training work?

Yes. It has been shown to improve measures of current state wellbeing by 23% after one hour of training and one week of practice. More calm confidence and happiness; less worry, stress and self doubt. The more you do, the better it gets, so yes – Emotional Skills Training really works.


To help with a problem To be my best self

Generic courses (three hours)

Understanding emotion

Coping with Bullying

Coping with  terrorism

Enquire about couples coaching

TPT coaching or EHT coaching


Executive development coaching

Short term problem focused coaching (STPFC)

(three hours)


Personal Development Coaching 

(Coaching is not therapy, and is not suitable for anyone in need of therapeutic help.)

* All coaching must be arranged with Helen Campbell before booking.

Any other questions on EI training?

This website contains information and free learning resources. You can find information in the office, guidance of courses on the course pages, and free learning materials and testimonials in the Library. Or book a discovery call with Helen Campbell. You can email the office. Why not connect on LinkedIn with Helen (Mrs Toffee) Campbell?

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