Advanced Training

Continuous learning

Anyone who has completed a basic course can continue their learning by

  • taking part in periodic exercise classes (Engine Tuning or Toad Hunting)
  • bringing issues or problems to a mini consultation (15 minutes £25)
  • by requesting a webinar on a topic and booking a place (30 minutes £25). (If you are lucky you will get a half hour session with Helen, but this will depend on there being no other attendees.)
  • As a graduate you can book a half hour for yourself for £75 by arrangement with the office at a time to suit yourself, subject to time availability. (Please note that times are calculated in UK time and there is an additional charge for training after 8pm.)

Changing focus

If you have completed basic EHT or TPT, you will have done similar work using different models, but it is perfectly reasonable to change focus and try the other style. TPT tends to be more technical and logical. EHT is deeper and more energy focused. You can take both courses in full and still continue to develop additional skills if you wish to widen your repertoire.

Short Term Problem Focused EI Coaching

Coaching is a more in depth approach to learning and one in which you can bring your own issues into the session. You can ask for help with particular problems and tackle issues with Helen’s help. Coaching is completely confidential and you will benefit from having someone to talk to who is just there to help you, whatever the problem. Problem focused coaching is a three hour package.

Developmental Coaching

Developmental coaching is for those who want to go beyond the basics and do the deep level work that leads them to advanced understanding and deep personal wellbeing. While basic training can be delivered in a coaching format if preferred, advanced training is always undertaken in the form of coaching. Coaching may focus on personal growth and emotional health or on developing essential soft skills for work and professional life. Clients may undertake continuous developmental coaching providing the coach believes they are deriving benefit from it.

Thorough Advanced Training and regular coaching sessions will be a necessary requirement for anyone interested in going into training to become a coach with Helen.