Corporate Training in Emotional Intelligence

Training in emotional intelligence skills is a growing field, but finding the right approach for your business can be a challenge. Many professionals are uncomfortable with the idea, and resistant to undertaking courses that might be personal and intrusive. The advantages are considerable though, and this makes it worth looking more closely at the training available.

Emotional Intelligence: working smart with heart.

Professional woman learning online, confidential coaching with Helen Campbell

“Wellbeing should be treated as a business critical skill that can be improved through training and development programs.” World Economic Forum.

Emotionally skilled people are quick learners, resilient and adaptable. They understand how they affect others, and are not over-affected by them. They can handle stress and stay cool in difficult situations. Working with them is easy and personal problems are not allowed to get in the way of productivity. Bullying is eradicated in an emotionally healthy culture. Emotional Intelligence training is already recognised as important when dealing with customers and in sales, where emotional tone and control are key factors in success. However, it is also important for maintaining good working relationships and developing a flexible learning environment.

How can you find training that teaches the key personal skills of EI without veering into the mysterious or asking people to reveal parts of their lives they prefer not to share? Technical Performance Training is fast and simple, working with value-free concepts familiar to most people, and has rapid results. If it sounds like a panacea (or snake oil) you will find more information in the Library, and are welcome to book a call with Helen Campbell to find out what TPT has to offer.

How can we develop Management Training and Coaching in Emotional Intelligence?

“The person who controls the energy in the room, controls the room.”

Good Emotional Intelligence is essential in management. The ability to read a room and manage other people’s feelings can only happen when individuals have learned the art of personal control themselves. Technical Performance Training (TPT) can change the way people understand and operate with emotional energy. Emotions cease to be a problem and become the motivational energy that drives performance. defensiveness and inflexibility can be released. Basic training can be delivered in a Basic Course or, for more personal learning, in a coaching program that focuses on developing the special soft skills that make good managers great.

Managerial performance training or coaching can be provided in confidential Zoom calls that maintain privacy and confidentiality. Coaching is an opportunity for individuals to learn the basic and advanced skills of emotional intelligence in a private, confidential and supportive way. Client value the opportunity to unpack and explore issues arising at work in a safe, confidential and helpful way. Having someone to confide in who is on your side, and can offer real insight into human behaviour, is a great resource.

Coaching teaches not only personal EI to a high level, reducing stress and improving personal wellbeing, it reveals the way emotions shape the working world. In weekly or fortnightly sessions managers or business professionals learn to interpret and understand their workplace as a complex social exchange system. They learn how energy and the management of energy affect everyone in a business, and develop strategies to manage and enhance the emotional culture of their environment.

Emotionally Intelligent Culture

Developing an emotionally intelligent culture in your business can unleash the creativity of your staff in unexpected ways. When people feel safe and confident their creative juices flow. They cooperate and collaborate freely and focus on problem solving rather than defence. Many common organisational problems will cease to arise with regular care of the emotional energy that powers your workforce. Promoting the emotional health of your staff could be some of the most productive and cost saving training you invest in.

It is recommended that all team members share training and gain the benefits of a new take on the life of the organisation. Working together with the team makes communicating about emotional energy as easy as taking about the weather. Upset and conflict can be quickly identified and easily resolved. People feel better very quickly, enjoy and appreciate the training, and easily see the benefits of taking it onboard. New staff can easily be brought up to speed with an orientation training session to teach them the skills and a study buddy to help integrate them into the emotional world of the organisation.

The opportunity to work in an environment where being well and happy is a right for everyone ensures that everyone, from the top to the bottom, will benefit. Recognising that suppliers and customers are experiencing exactly the same processes, probably with less preparation, and deserve to be supported where possible, can make you a preferred associate. Good relationships make good business, and in the hands of your emotionally skilled staff your Customer Experience will be comfortable and supportive. Everybody wins.

Because we are using natural processes and everything you need is already available, training is fast and effective in most cases. The only people who cannot benefit from training are those who are currently in crisis (who require more therapeutic support) and those who prefer to be the eye of the storm. Emotionally intelligent people do not do storms and do not tolerate abusive behaviours at work. Emotionally intelligent culture does not accommodate bullying, but offers resolutions to the problem rather than simply glossing over the issue.

To speak to Helen Campbell about how Emotional Training can help your business, contact the office by email or book a Zoom audio call through the link.


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