Booking is easy
Booking training courses with Campbell Education has never been easier, as the booking system has been updated. Enrolment has been replaced by automated registration for courses*.
- Explore the course pages to see what is on offer, and how it might help you.
- Click the link to read and download the Terms and conditions document. Completing the booking will require you to confirm that you have read them and agree to be bound by them.
- Click the correct booking link and sign up right away!
Why do students need to be enrolled for coaching?
*Coaching requires clients to go through the vetting process, and that means asking questions about your health and wellbeing. This is because psychological coaching is different from most online courses. Helen Campbell has a duty of care for clients’ wellbeing. She will check applications and may decline clients she feels are unsuited to any service. Monies prepaid by rejected clients will naturally be refunded.
People who would do better with therapeutic help (who need to heal) will be helped to find a more suitable services. However, anyone who can cope with everyday life in general can usually benefit from emotional skills training. If you have any concerns, just have a chat with Helen or send her an email for advice. She will be happy to help and it saves disappointment when an application is rejected.
Start learning today!
You don’t have to register to learn, there are free learning materials available in the Library. The Learning Zone has free, paid and live services. You can choose between Learning to Learn. Technical Performance Training and Emotional Health and the Art of Being. You will be guided through a wellbeing checking process if you book live products and services.
Reduced tariffs for public service professionals

Some people need expert emotional skills even more than others. Campbell Education run a preferred professions list for certain occupations to help public servants achieve optimum performance and stay emotionally healthy.
If you are a teacher or school worker, a nurse or other hospital worker, or a member of the British Armed Services (serving or retired), or a member of the Police Service you can be accepted as a preferred professional and you will receive a reduced rate for training. If you would like to take advantage of the discount please contact the office for information on whether you are eligible and how to access reduced tariff bookings.
Book a Discovery call with Helen
Find out about booking with Campbell Education
Read the Campbell Education terms and conditions
© Campbell Education, training and coaching products and all contents are the intellectual property of Helen Campbell. All rights reserved.