Free learning for you to explore.
Learning skills matter. This room is for adults who want to improve their learning skills (or those of other people). It contains free learning materials and an access point for live coaching in Functional English (English for everyday life).
What is knowledge?
Learning skills help us to develop knowledge.
We all know what knowledge is – don’t we? Well knowledge includes a great deal of possible information as well as learning skills. From the ability to recognise and appreciate something to the expert knowledge of how it is made. How to evaluate something and how to recreate it. These are all essential learning skills. This presentation shows some of the things you may need to learn to do to really know a subject well.

Bloom’s Taxonomy

Talking about learning skills is now part of the school curriculum. If you have been in formal education in the last 50 years you will have experienced Bloom’s Taxonomy, even if you were not aware of it. It is the framework that has informed most ‘western education’ since the sixties. Teachers use it to teach children to think, but the processes are just as useful for adults, and the better you understand them, the easier it is to use them. You can access a whole series of PDF presentations exploring Bloom here.
Coaching in Functional English
Live coaching in functional English is currently available for only £25 per hour. This is an introductory offer, and the price will rise in the Autumn.
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