Enter The Learning Zone

Welcome to the Learning Zone at Campbell Education

Learning online is the future for education
We all need to keep our learning skills up to date!

“Tomorrow’s illiterate will not be the man who can’t read; he will be the man who has not learned how to learn.”         Herbert Gerjuoy. 

The following sections will take you to free and paid online lessons and courses, just follow the links to explore the possibilities. Live psychological services can be booked through these pages. If you want to enjoy the opportunity to learn online with a live coach with years of experience in lifelong learning and psychological training, I look forward to meeting you

Live Tutoring

I accept private learners over 16 for tutoring by previous agreement. Tutorials focus on helping develop critical thinking skills rather than on delivering content based on exam preparation. I provide independent study materials for learners wishing to develop their learning skills in topical explorations.

Please note that psychological services take priority over tutoring hours when bookings are heavy. Remember that queries and a question can be bought to an Open House Q&A on a Wednesday free of charge!

Room 1 – Learning to Learn

Teachers & Pupils Never Stop Learning
Teachers & Pupils Never Stop Learning

This room is for accessing materials and courses on independent adult learning. Whether you want to learn for work, to improve your formal study, or just for fun, there will be something here to catch your interest.

Room 2 -Technical Performance Training and Coaching

Blackboard message that IQ plus EQ equals success!
Emotional Intelligence is essential for successful lifelong learning.

Technical Education on learning and life planning skills in free and paid formats. Learning to learn fast and effectively for work and for pleasure, and to set effective goals and achieve them, has never been so easy! Explore the possibilities here.

Room 3 – The Art of Being Healthy and Happy

ABC of Emotional wellbeing
The ABC of Emotional Wellbeing

Lessons and guidance on being well and happy. We all need to care for ourselves, and you can find ideas and strategies in free and paid courses here, and links to book live classes and sessions when available.

Live Training and Coaching

Live training and coaching can be accessed through course pages and in these rooms. It is a service for adult learners, so you must be over 18 to work with me. A full list of prices can be found on the Tariff page.

Live training and coaching with Helen Campbell
Tutoring, Training and Coaching are live!

Find information on what Emotional Skills Training is here.

Live Skills Training

Select between Technical Performance Training (TPT) and Emotional HealthTraining (EHT)). Technical Performance Training is directed at developing skills for work, study and business. Emotional Health Training is for personal development and self care, but is great if you are in a high stress environment at work.

Live Life Coaching

Coaching is all about you, and helping you learn with guidance and live support. Having someone on your side to help you learn and grow can be a powerful support. Anyone who is well enough to cope with life in general is usually well enough to undertake coaching, although it is not a replacement for therapy. If you want to speak to me about your learning needs you can always contact me through the office.

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©  Campbell Education, training and coaching products and all contents are the intellectual property of Helen Campbell. All rights reserved.