Research program 2020: Evaluating the ABC Course
The 2020 research program set out to test the effectiveness of EI training over Zoom. A one hour introductory course was devised specifically for online training and a set of research questions developed to evaluate effectiveness and identify areas for improvement. Pre- and post-training testing were used to assess the effectiveness of training in improving factors relating to wellbeing and factors relating to suffering. Qualitative data was collected in order to evaluate areas for improvement. Testing and interviewing was undertaken one week after training to permit practice time.
Results were positive and exceeded expectations. All participants recorded improved scores in the retest condition, with an average overall improvement in wellbeing of 23%.
Measures of wellness. One week after training all participants demonstrated improved scores for positive factors affecting their wellbeing (average 19% improvement). They were resting better, felt more satisfied with themselves, felt more comfortable and pleasant, and were experiencing more happiness. More than half the participant group reported feeling calm, cool and collected, relaxed, secure and felt more self confident.
Measures of suffering. The picture for measures of suffering was more diverse, but the impact was stronger overall (average 25% improvement). More than 50% of participants reported reductions in worrying, both general and specific, felt less inadequate, indecisive, nervous and restless, and felt less as if they wished they could cope as well as other people seemed to. Over 40% reported reduced scores for tension, nervousness and feelings of strain. They felt less worried about unimportant things, less hard hit by disappointment and reported reductions in feelings of failure and lack of self confidence.
While every participant gained advantage from the training, the impact was strongest on those who started in a more stressed or anxious condition. Even those who were not experiencing suffering showed improvements in the factors of suffering. Training is not offered to clients who are in need of therapeutic intervention, and the enrolment process aims to identify and divert potential clients who are not suitable for training. However, the study demonstrated that, for those experiencing manageable problems and general emotional distress, training is a powerful tool for the relief of suffering and the enhancement of wellbeing.
Research for 2021: Couples coaching and public services

The program for 2021 will commence in the spring with a case based study of couples coaching. This will involve a small number of couples undertaking coaching and submitting individual surveys and individual and shared interviews. The aim of the study will be to evaluate effectiveness and identify areas for improvement. Participants will be recruited in April.

A small scale study is also planned to evaluate and assess TPT (Technical Performance Training) for use with members of the emergency services. The aim of this is to evaluate and assess Driver Training prior to including these professions in the preferred professions list. Recruitment for this will be conducted in September.