Skills training for students in full time education

Skills training for students might seem unnecessary. You have been learning for years, surely you ought to know how to do it by now?
But learning outside school is a whole new challenge. Expectations are different, and the demands on you are different too. One of the biggest changes is that, in college, the support of teachers is often no available. You need to be much more independent, and you will be dealing with a whole new world of people, opportunities, and personal development.
Training in emotional health and EI skills
Training in emotional health and technical EI skills can be a real asset when you are setting out. There are similarities, but the aims are different. Skills training is live coaching (not a video in sight), is delivered one-to-one online, and will consider who you are, and what you are dealing with at the moment. Here is an overview of what each is about, and what they can offer you.
Emotional Health Training (EHT)
Emotional Health Training Focuses on you and your emotional wellbeing. It is important to understand that EHT is not therapy! Skills training for students is a form of coaching intended to help you develop the skills you are going to need for life. With the right skills in the art of living, you probably wont need therapy.
Important! If you are having problems coping, please seek professional help. Approach your tutor, student services, the college medical service, or your doctor at home. Don’t suffer in silence. There are people who can help, and who are waiting to do so. Please get in touch with them today. Get the help you need, and come to seek training when you are feeling better.
If you are well enough to cope with normal life, then choosing a session to learn emotional self-care can give you a huge advantage. You will learn:
- A new way of understanding emotion
- How to make good emotional decisions
- How to feel comfortable in your inner world
- How to control your emotional state to achieve a calm and relaxed state at will
Evaluation research has shown that a single session can result in feeling great, produces a reduction in the experience of negative feelings of anxiety, sadness and lack of control, and increases feelings of calm, peacefulness, confidence, satisfaction and wellbeing.
Technical Performance Training (TPT)
Technical Performance Training aims to introduce you to your emotional engine, and show you how it affects your thinking, learning and behaviour. Good emotional intelligence depends first and foremost upon your ability to manage your own emotional states. This introductory session of skills training for students aims to give you control of your engine. It will show you how to understand the impact that emotional processing has on your ability to function in the day. You will learn:
- A new way of understanding emotions
- How to make good emotional decisions
- How to control your emotional state to achieve a calm and relaxed state at will
- How to judge the correct level of physical engagement required through the day
Being in control of your emotional drive states gives you a powerful advantage in learning, in coping with the world, and with protecting your wellbeing.
Not sure which is right for you? You can get some help by emailing the office, or speak to Helen Campbell when you meet her.
Getting ahead of the curve
Emotional skills training may be quite new to you, and most of the people you meet will not have heard of it. Very few will have done it, or even know what the skills of emotional intelligence are. By investing your time, and a few hard won pounds, in your own development now, you will be streets ahead of the competition.
You will also have the advantage of having advanced skills for living, learning, and having healthy and loving relationships, right from the off. One of the most common things clients say to me is that they wish they had learned when they were young. You have that opportunity, so why not take it?
Ready to book?
If you are ready book some skills training, and to invest in your thinking, feeling and learning abilities, there is a link below to pay for and book your session.
You will need:
- To be over 18
- To be in full time education or training
- The name of your university, college, or training supplier
- Your enrolment or registration number
- To be able to cope with normal daily life
- To be familiar with the terms and conditions (at least read the last page!)
- To have an idea of what the different types of training are
- The means to make an online payment of £60 (£50 when booked in September*)
Booking link
*Suicide Prevention Month
As part of ongoing support for Suicide Prevention Month, this service is reduced in price in September.
© Campbell Education, training and coaching products and all contents are the intellectual property of Helen Campbell. All rights reserved.