Welcome to Campbell Education

Welcome to Campbell Education, the home of emotional intelligence training and coaching with Helen M Campbell.  From this page you can book courses, coaching, or buy products to help in your personal and professional development. 

Learning with Helen is not about exams and school, it is about The Art of Being.  Learners with Campbell Education are here for training and coaching in thinking, in emotional intelligence, and in learning for personal development.  This portal will give you access to learning materials,  book publications and live training.   As a registered member you can expect to receive free materials and updates, and are all ready to book yourself a personal session to give you the skills and thinking you need for success!

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You can register as a learner with us to sign up for free learning materials and enrol for live services.  Drop an email to Campbell Education and you can receive regular updates and materials  to keep your mind growing!

Register for Free Stuff!
register for free learning materials or to access live training and coaching.


If you are already registered, you can book live training and coaching through the course pages.  The links are provided below.  And the Library and Learning Zone are available for browsing.  Just select what interests you below.


Emotional Health Training


Emotional Intelligence Training for Performance at work

Problem Focused Coaching


Books and publications

Library Book a Discovery Call


©  Campbell Education, training and coaching products and all contents are the intellectual property of Helen Campbell. All rights reserved.