Two-Dimensional Emotions (2DE)
The most important decision you will ever make is when you decide to be happy.

If you do want to know happiness, then using the Two-Dimensional Emotions Model is a great way to get started. But you have to make good choices to work with 2DE.
One of the two key factors in Two-Dimensional Emotions
The Two-Dimensional model of Emotions (2DE) strips emotional intelligence back to the most basic elements, and teaches you to work with them. The most basic aspect of this is that you choose to be okay. It is a shift in mindset that opens up opportunities, connects you with your own power, and makes things possible. All the good stuff is available when you choose to be okay and go for gold.
But choosing to be okay without having the skill to achieve that is a very big ask. That is why the second dimension in 2DE is the management of your personal engine. Being in control of your biology puts you in control of your thinking and feeling. By developing both a strong mindset, and excellent self-management skills, you can change your situation, one decision at a time, and achieve your goals. Two-Dimensional Emptions is a simple technical training to help you achieve that.
What is technical training?
Technical training is all about technique. Technology is the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes. Two-Dimensional Emotions is a technical model for understanding and working with thinking and physical energy reactions. The 2DE model is based on the sciences of psychology, biology, and neurology. But unlike therapy or counselling, it is about achieving excellence, rather than focusing on problems.
Lots of people think of psychology as the study of stress, mental illness and dysfunction. For some people seeing a psychologist is thought to be a sign of weakness or need. They don’t imagine it as an opportunity for learning and growth. But that is what it can be, and 2DE is a system of training designed to achieve that. Training in 2DE is only available from me, Helen M Campbell, but look out for the first book introducing 2DE, which is coming out soon.
Positive Psychology is focused on using technical understanding and skills to create success and achievement. Technical training is an example of how understanding how we tick can help accelerate our learning and achieve strength of mind and resilience. It can lead to the kind of success we might never have even thought possible.
But you have to be the one to make the choices in 2DE.
How can I decide to be okay if I am not okay now?
Life is never perfect; it never was and never will be. That does not mean that we can’t be okay anyway, if we set our magnificent minds to it.
The idea that living can be easy and happy – for ever – without any effort on our part – is a childhood myth. Few adults have the luxury to maintain that belief. If we get to experience that happy perfect state once in a while we are lucky. When we do, we should appreciate it, because for many people it rarely lasts for too long.
But life does not have to be perfect for us to be okay. And we do not need to be perfect either. We only need it to be good enough, to be okay enough, and to have enough to keep us going for the time being. The secret to feeling okay when life is less than perfect is to be equipped. And the best equipment is knowledge, thinking ability, and emotional skills.
Learning to be okay is a life skill that everyone needs to develop!
Living in two worlds
Think of a person you know who lives at peace with themselves. However tricky life gets, they tend to cope well, and have constructive ideas to deal with problems. They are resilient self-starters, and can stay confident when things are not going to plan. People like that, who are grounded and at peace, are wonderful to be around. The conviction that they are capable of being successful is the great advantage of being at peace in their inner world.

We live in two worlds all of the time. We are all familiar with the world outside us, and are affected by it every day. But we also live in our inner world. We are affected by that every minute of every day. A person may look very different on the outside to how they feel on the inside. But how they feel will affect everything they do. Which is why the 2DE model works in the moment to help you think and feel clearly on the inside.
Sadly, lots of people have very little inner peace – and feel uncomfortable looking too closely at their inner world. It can be full of stress, unresolved pain, and long-held anxieties. The last thing they want is to spend any time knocking around in there with their own thoughts. Luckily, there are no end of distractions in the world outside to avoid that.
Modern life is busy and full of demands on our attention. This does not encourage contemplation. It is easy to lose ourselves in entertainments and social media rather than face our own thoughts. Many of us use strategies to avoid paying any attention to our thinking and feeling at all. Some of these are simple distractions that limit our potential for success. Others, like using substances or engaging in high risk behaviours, can distract us from our inner stress at the cost of our health and wellbeing.
But if you want to be at peace, and live with confidence, then you are going to have to decide to make that happen for yourself. You have to be prepared to stop running, look inside, and do some internal housework!
Making being okay a priority
Two-Dimensional Emotions is all about living at peace with both your inner and outside worlds. It is simple, easy to learn, and puts feeling good as a priority. The first hour of training shows you how to create a calm and peaceful inner experience at will. It shows you a totally new way to understand what emotions are, and gives you the techniques to get them under control. From there, the skills it teaches will show you how to create a comfortable and successful inner world. You learn to be more successful in your relationships with other people, simply by understanding how you function emotionally yourself. It’s a win-win situation for everyone.
But in order to learn to be well, you have to decide that you want to be well. So give it some thought. Would you like to feel peaceful and confident like that?
Who wouldn’t want to be peaceful and confident?
You might think that everyone wants to be peaceful and confident, but realistically, not everyone believes that is possible for them. Nobody has taught them good habits of dealing with their feelings, and the ups and downs of life have made them feel out of control. It can result in people feeling as if they are almost permanently under threat. They live in a bunker mentality that stops them from reaching for better things. People living in the dark doldrums of life like this may need healing from a therapist rather than teaching from a positive psychologist. But others simply need to learn those processes they have yet to experience. Simple techniques for managing feelings, and a strategy for thinking and feeling clearly, can equip them to escape the languishing state they currently live in.
Choosing to be well and create a positive life
Anyone who is capable of coping from day to day, and can make decisions for themselves, can benefit from improved emotional skills. Years of teaching them have shown me that they are some of the most important skills adults can learn. They improve intelligence, enhance health and happiness, accelerate the ability to learn from experiences, and dramatically improve your ability to succeed in your career. Anyone can benefit from developing their emotional intelligence.
If people decide that they deserve better, and are independent learners, then there is a growing literature to call on. The first book on the Two-Dimensional Model of Emotions will be available for sale online soon, for those who want to quick and easy way to get started. For those who want to start with some skilled help from a teaching psychologist, then training or coaching with me using the 2DE approach is fast, delivers at least four techniques per hour, and can be delivered live over a Zoom call. A Basic Training in either Emotional Health of emotionally intelligent performance, takes only three hours. See the website for details.
But first, in order to do any of that, they need to choose to be well, and make the first step.
Where are you right now, on the journey to learning emotional intelligence? Have you decided to be positively successful yet?
Who is Helen M Campbell?

Helen M Campbell, GMBPsS. (MSc (Psych) MAEd (Open) Lifelong Learning) is a psychologist and teacher with more than 30 years professional experience. She has experience teaching academic psychology, freelancing in research and consultation, and coaching and training in personal life skills. She is an author and lecturer in Two-Dimensional Emotions.
Campbell Education was established to deliver coaching to adults, and professional supervision to educational professionals. Teachers, and other public servants funding their own training (nurses, social workers, police and armed services) are eligible for reduced tariff training. The tariff for current services is available. Two-Dimensional Emotions is a training system designed to accelerate learning in emotional intelligence skills, and is exclusively her intellectual property. No other trainer is currently qualified or licensed to train in 2DE. If in doubt, please check with the office, or book a discovery call to talk with Helen about training or coaching.
Helen Campbell offers a wide range of courses and sessions to develop emotional intelligence and emotional health skills. She lives in Northampton in England, and teaches clients around the world.
© Campbell Education, training and coaching products and all contents are the intellectual property of Helen Campbell. All rights reserved.